About Us
Mission Statement
Are skill shortages leading to mis-hirings? We have the solution! As an internationally active company based in Wyoming, USA, we offer specialized personnel consulting, coaching, and training worldwide for technology-oriented companies, startups, and individuals.
From Recruiting to Digital Transformation
With our global expertise, we are the perfect partner to collaboratively find the ideal candidate for your company. As a service provider, we accompany companies of all kinds into the digital future. Through individual goal-setting and agile approaches, we support our clients in all phases of the recruiting process (End-to-End Recruiting).
Our IT expertise focuses on areas such as technology, operations, product development, legal and compliance, accounting and finance, marketing, and human resources. We are convinced that our comprehensive consulting services support companies in their digital transformation efforts and secure their future.
No matter whether it's "Office Only", "Remote Working" or "Hybrid"
Our Talent Acquisition Specialists utilize our in-house talent pipelines to assist start-ups and scale-ups in quickly filling individual vacancies. With our experience and focus on our clients' needs, we ensure that open positions are filled in the shortest possible time, allowing the company to continue to grow.
From SMEs to Large Corporations
In building high-performing teams, we rely on our experienced senior recruiters, who work on behalf of clients to find the most suitable candidates for companies of all sizes, from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to large corporations. Our recruiting services can be utilized for either long-term or limited-term projects, depending on the project timeline.
To ensure that everyone works together and pulls in the same direction, we use not only our own proven tools but also Meredith Belbin's team role model. With this concept, we can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of each individual in the team and assign roles and responsibilities within the team accordingly. As a result, we can improve collaboration and lead the team to peak performance.
The Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) are disruptive innovations in the IT-driven transformation. Decision-makers and executives rely on our services.
Success through Digital Visions
Among our clients are decision-makers as well as specialists and executives from the fields of politics, finance, and real economy who have recognized the potential of blockchain and distributed ledger technology as a disruptive innovation in the IT-driven transformation.
They utilize our services to sustainably expand and strengthen their own competitiveness in the digital transformation. They have recognized that blockchain and distributed ledger technology are of great importance for their strategic planning and want to fully leverage their potential.
Customer Reviews
Feedback from the German-speaking Region
Timo Bechtel
"Ich bin begeistert von der Qualität und Effizienz des Tech Recruitment-Services von Satoshicon.io. Als wir neue Mitarbeiter für unsere DLT-Abteilung gesucht haben, waren wir von den Kandidaten, die uns vorgestellt wurden, beeindruckt. Das Team von Satoshicon.io hat sich wirklich die Zeit genommen, unsere Anforderungen zu verstehen und uns mit Bewerbern zu verbinden, die perfekt zu unserem neu geründetem Unternehmen und unserer Kultur passten."
Anna Klarstein
"Wir haben das Tech Recruitment-Team von Satoshicon.io bei der Besetzung einiger Schlüsselpositionen in unserem Unternehmen eingesetzt und waren begeistert von ihrer Leistung. Sie verfügen über ein umfassendes Netzwerk von talentierten Fachleuten und haben uns innerhalb kürzester Zeit mehrere hervorragende Kandidaten vorgestellt. Das Team war stets hilfsbereit und hat sich umfassend um unsere Bedürfnisse gekümmert."<br>
Moritz Siebentreu
"Das Unternehmen Satoshicon.io hat mir dabei geholfen, sich in der Welt von Kryptowährungen und der Technologie, die dahintersteht (DLT), zurechtzufinden. Das Team von Satoshicon.io hat mir alle grundlegenden Konzepte erklärt und mich bei der Entscheidung unterstützt, wie ich diese Technologie als Freiberufler anwenden kann. Ich würde Satoshicon.io jedem empfehlen, der sich für diese spannende und zukunftsweisende Technologie interessiert."